Telluride Angel Baskets is the direct link between those who want to help and those who need help the most. Our mission is to provide food and necessities to those in our community who are in financial need.

Angel Baskets is an Equal Opportunity Provider


Get Involved

Angel Baskets meets fundamental needs of our community through our programs. Your donation directly supports local community members and families. Please help us bring as much joy and comfort as possible to our neighbors in need.



Donate online with the button below, or mail a check to PO Box 4063, Telluride, CO 81435.



Your support allows us to provide community members in need with free nutritious food, medicine and school supplies. Or you can choose to make someone’s holiday wish come true by buying them the gift that they have requested.



For our Holiday Program help wrap gifts and prepare the family boxes. Or you can help us deliver gifts.

Thank you so much to everyone that helps through Angel Baskets, you truly are a blessing.
— Angel Baskets Recipient

Our Holiday Program for 2023 provided special gift bags to over 600 community members in need! We are looking to help even more people in 2024.

THANK YOU to all the vendors and volunteers who helped make such a successful year possible. And, especially, to all our generous donors! And…our other programs run throughout the year. If you would like to volunteer to help us, please complete our online form via the Volunteer button, below.
