Holiday Gifting


Imagine a child waking up in a cold house with no toys, gifts or holiday meal. Now imagine that scene repeated many times right here in San Miguel County and the west end of Montrose County. Together we can change that.

The Holiday Program distributes food certificates, gift certificates, selected gifts and household goods, family games and toys to over 200 families representing almost 600 people. Through generous donations and volunteering, our wonderful community helps us help others. Our hope is that we brighten the holidays for families who would otherwise not be able to celebrate.


Residence in San Miguel County or the West End of Montrose County
– and –
Enrollment in one of the following Social Services:
Food Stamps (families & Seniors only)
– Medicaid (children only MAGI)
– Medicaid Seniors

To Sign Up

If you are eligible, please visit San Miguel County Social Services Office to fill out an application.

*If you are not currently enrolled with Social Services and are in financial distress, please ask for an application at: Tri-County Health Network; Wilkinson Public Library; Telluride Medical Center; Uncompaghre Medical Center; and, the Telluride Food Pantry.

Get in the Spirit

Let’s hear more of this: "Thank you. This helps us have a nice dinner and lifts my spirits. And that blanket has kept me warm since Christmas of last year. It is still in use on my bed. I thank you for all the help you given me. May God bless each and every one of you."